White Pelican

Pandion Wild Tours Ltd is the leading Bulgarian company in the field of birdwatching, wildlife and nature tourism. We started our activities in 1990, under the name Pandion-D. The company was established by  Nikolay Dilchev, a professional biologist.

Pandion Wild Tours Ltd has specialized in the field of wildlifenature and historical tourism. We offer a great diversity of wildlife and nature holidays & tours in Europe’s richest region in terms of biodiversity: Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula.  

In our catalogue you can  find: birdwatching toursbotanical toursbutterfly toursmammal tours, dragonfly tourshistory and archaeology tours, wildlife photography tours and more. 
We cater to tourists with diverse interests: birders, botanists, and those interested in butterflies, dragonflies, spidersreptiles and amphibians , mammals , and nature in general. Also welcome are those interested in Bulgarian culture, ancient history and archaeology, and those who would like to experience Bulgarian national traditions and customs, including Bulgarian cuisine and wines, folklore, Orthodox cloisters, and rural tourism. We can organize new tours, as well as combinations of any tours we offer, according to the desires of participants.

By visiting our site you can learn about some of the most interesting European countries: Bulgaria, Romania and Greece. Bulgaria, though relatively small, boasts the greatest biodiversity in Europe.  Here you can have a close look at its unique archaeological finds, Christian Orthodox cloisters, folklore and traditions.

Bulgaria is one of the most ancient European countries. Most contemporary historians date the establishment of the First Bulgarian state at 165 AD. It has a very rich and interesting history and culture, and at the same time it is one of the few countries in Europe with very well-protected nature and wildlife.

Contemporary Bulgarians are direct descendants of ancient Thracians, who, judging by all known evidence, were the aboriginal population of the Balkan Peninsula. And it is a well-known fact that the Thracians founded the oldest European civilization. Moreover, a case can be made that  it was also the world's oldest civilization,  since the people inhabiting Anatolia and the Fertile Crescent had a common origin with the ancient Thracians. In today’s Bulgaria archaeologists have found remains of Thracian cities and tombs dating to prior to 5000 BC. Goldsmiths’ workshops have also been dated to prior to 5000 BC. Not only that, but the oldest worked gold was found within the boundaries of today's Bulgaria.  The gold artifacts found at the Varna Necropolis --ornaments for horse harnesses -- were dated at 4500-5000 BC. All these facts plainly confirm that European civilization originated in today’s Balkan Peninsula and, more specifically, within the borders of today’s Bulgaria.

The latest genetic investigations, carried out in AD 2011, indicate unequivocally that contemporary Bulgarians are direct descendants of the ancient Thracians and are not immigrants of Turkich origin from Asia. The ancient states in the lands of today’s Russia and other Slavic republics in Eastern Europe, in some of the Asiatic republics in the Russian Federation and beyond, and even as far as the lands to the east of Lake Baikal and in the border area between today’s India and China (the valley of the Tarim River and the Taklamakan Desert, for instance), were a creation of the ancient Scythians, the forefathers of the Thracians, who had emigrated in the Balkans (in the so-called population expansion, in the language of the population biology) in prehistoric times, and not vice versa, as historians had reckoned.

Pandion Wild Tours’ photogallery comprises some of the most interesting and rare species in Europe. You can see many nature and wildlife photos captured during our BirdwatchingBotanistsButterflyMammal and other tours. You can also learn about Bulgarian nature, history and culture.

Our wildlife tours Checklists will provide you with more information on recorded species, their numbers and the seasons in which you can see them.

We believe the tours we offer could suit every taste and interest and create unforgettable lifetime memories.

Feel free to contact us for more information at: pandiond@einet.bg


Dear customers and guests of Pandion Wildlife and History Tours,

Bulgarian nature & wildlifeWe really endeavor sincerely to make your stay in Bulgaria as pleasant, enjoyable and useful for you as possible. In this respect, we’d like to suggest that you design, in a certain sense, your holidays in such a way as to fit best to your  preferences. At any time of the year and at any place of our biologically, geographically and historically rich Balkan Peninsula we will make everything possible to facilitate you in making a really good programme of your travel & stay here. And of course, to fetch with you partners, family, group of people that you will be really happy to be with on such a trip and place.

History in focus. In the distant past  Bulgarians were the dominating ethnos in the Balkans, the Lower Danube and the area around the Northern Black-sea Coast, being the aboriginal inhabitants of the above region, long time before the advent of the ancient Greeks to the Peninsula. So, you can choose a holiday with a visit to the Valley of Thracian Rulers and the underground temples of ancient Thracians as revealed in the last several decades by archaeologists. Or a visit to the Western Stara Planina Range, to the cave ‘Kozarnika’ where a few decades ago a French-Bulgarian palaeo-archaeological expedition discovered artifacts from human inhabitants of the cave dated 1.5 million of years ago. Or to climb down into the majestic cave called Magourata, also in Western Stara Planina Range, where you will see prehistoric pictures (drawn with bats guano by our ancient ancestors) of birds and animals that have ceased to exist here hundreds of thousands of years ago. Or, perhaps, to the ancient rock fortress of Belogradchik  in the western Balkan range . Or  the rock  city of Perperek in the Eastern Rodopi Mountains, which proved to be one of the oldest human settlements on earth! If you would like to diversify your stay in Bulgaria with short outings to the ancient land of Dacians, a north Thracian people inhabiting what is today Romania; or today’s Greece - we will be happy to be at your disposal at any time!

Welcome to Bulgaria and the Balkans ! To relax and enjoy your stay here, and enrich a bit your knowledge of the land of origin of today’s human civilization!

Red-breasted Goose Short Tour (Bulgaria) -NEW- €850.00

Bulgaria 24 January 2025 - 29 January 2025

The main wintering grounds for the Red-breasted Goose are located in North-Eastern Bulgaria. Part of the world population of this exceptionally beautiful bird used to find refuge from winter storms and blizzards in the land of Bulgaria for about 60 years but for the last 35 years almost the entire stock of the species spends the winters within the borde...


Dragonflies of Rhodes Island (Greece) -NEW- €1,700.00

Greece 01 July 2024 - 08 July 2024

Rhodes is one of the richest Greek islands in terms of biodiversity, but not only. Rhodes is a combination of spectacular scenery, unique traditions, rich culture and ancient history. It is situated in the eastern part of the Aegean Sea, just 18 km west of Turkey. Geographical location and climate have turned the flora and fauna of the island into a un...


Churches and Monasteries of Bulgaria and Greece -NEW- €1,170.00

Bulgaria & Greece 26 August 2024 - 01 September 2024

Medieval and classic churches and monasteries in Bulgaria and (Northern) Greece  Some of the most exquisite and significant monuments of culture in Bulgaria and in South-East Europe : the cathedral ‘Saint Alexander Nevsky’, Rila Monastery.  Solun (Thessaloniki) is a city of thousand of years of Christian history and one of the most important tra...


Pelicans & Large Birds of Prey Photography (Bulgaria & Greece) -NEW- €1,300.00

Bulgaria & Greece 15 January 2024 - 22 January 2024

During this tour we will visit some of the most prominent bird wintering sites in Eastern Europe. Kerkini Lake in Northern Greece is well known as such a site with brilliant birdlife. We will have a closer look at one of the local wintering specialties, the globally threatened Dalmatian Pelican. Exploring the lake by boats will allow us to approach this...


1 Day Birding Tour Around Capital City of Sofia -NEW- €140.00

Bulgaria 01 July 2024 - 01 July 2024

Тhe dates are indicative and can be adapted to your availability! The places included in this short tour are perfect for a visit all year round and are most suitable for keen or seasoned birders, as well as beginners, alike. During this one-day tour, we will (when conditions are favourable) observe some of the most prominent representatives of the r...


Birding in one of the most ancient European countries (Birds & Ancient History) -NEW- €1,400.00

Bulgaria 29 April 2022 - 08 May 2022

Bulgaria is one of the most ancient European countries. Most contemporary historians date the establishment of the First Bulgarian state at 165 AD. It has a very rich and interesting history and culture, and at the same time it is one of the few countries in Europe with very well-protected nature and wildlife. Contemporary Bulgarians are direct desce...

  • Blue Sky Wildlife
  • Bird Fair
