Spring Birding Tour (Bulgaria & Greece)

Spring Birding Tour (Bulgaria & Greece) Spur-winged lapwing @ Y.Kutsarov Spring Birding Tour (Bulgaria & Greece) Broad-billed sandpiper © J.Lidster Spring Birding Tour (Bulgaria & Greece) Penduline tit © L.andreev Spring Birding Tour (Bulgaria & Greece) Greater flamingo @ Y.Kutsarov

12 days
17 April 2025 - 28 April 2025

Day 1

Landing at Sofia Airport and transfer to Pirin Mountains N.P. Accommodation in Bansko for one night. During the transfer visit Rila Monastery for sightseeing and observation of Pallid Swift, Black Redstart, etc.

Day 2

Visit the high mountains of Pirin N.P., hike from 1500 m to 1900 m altitude, following the mountain road between Banderitsa and Vikhren chalets. We expect to see Nutcracker, Ring Ouzel, Crossbill, Firecrest, Goldcrest, Dunnock, Alpine Chough. In the afternoon we travel to Kerkini Lake, in Greece. We’ll spend two nights in the small village of Khrizokhorafa, next to Kerkini Lake. Packed lunch for the day.

Day 3

Today, we’ll visit Kerkini Lake. We expect to see Dalmatian Pelican, Pigmy Cormorant, Little Bittern, Glossy Ibis, Spoonbill, Little Egret, Great White Egret, Night Heron, Squacco Heron, Red-necked and Black-necked grebes, plus many shorebird species. Night at local hotel.

Day 4

We leave the Kerkini Lake region and travel east, and after about 200 km we reach the region of the village of Keramoti, situated at the Mediterranean seashore. We’ll visit the local lagoons Eratino and Aglasmatos, where we expect to see Avocets, Black-winged Stilt, and more shorebird species. Accommodation for one night at a local hotel in Keramoti.

Day 5

After breakfast we are ready to leave the region, but before that we’ll try to find and see the local specialty, Spur-winged Lapwing. After that we travel again to the east and by early afternoon we reach the Porto Lagos Lagoons. We’ll first visit Alikes, Lafrouda and Almira lagoons, where we have another possibility to find Spur-winged Lapwing, Gull-billed Tern, reed warbler species and more shorebird species. In the late afternoon we arrive at the village of Fanari, where accommodation in a local hotel for two nights follows.

Day 6

Today we’ll continue our birding tour, visiting the Lagos, Xirolimni, Aliki, and Ptelea lagoons. We expect to see more shorebird species, reed warbler species, Caspian Tern, White Pelican, and White-winged, Black and Whiskered Tern, Gull-billed Tern, etc.

Day 7

After an early breakfast we travel to the north, cross the town of Komotihi and the Bulgarian border, and after about 2.5 hours we arrive at the Bulgarian city of Krumovgrad, where accommodation for three nights follows. The town is situated in the ancient volcanic region of the Eastern Rodopi Mountains

Day 8

Today we’ll visit the vulture feeding site of Potochnitsa. This is an open and very rocky area. We expect to see Egyptian Vulture, Griffon Vulture, Black Kite, Long-legged Buzzard, migrating harriers, and many small birds such as Alpine Swift, Subalpine, Sardinian, Orphean, and Barred warblers, Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat, Woodchat, Red-backed and Lesser Grey shrikes, etc. In the afternoon we visit the rocky river valley of Dolna Kula, where we expect to see Black Stork, Black-headed Bunting, Ortolan Bunting, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear, Cirl Bunting, Rock Thrush and Blue Rock Thrush, Rock Nuthatch, Short-toed Eagle, Booted Eagle, and many others. Later when it gets dark, we’ll try to find Scops Owl. Packed lunch for the day. Night at Krumovgrad hotel.

Day 9

After an early breakfast we’ll visit the breeding territory of Eastern Imperial Eagle, and we hope to see this impressive bird. During the day we also expect to see Olive-tree Warbler, Olivaceous Warbler, Masked Shrike, Lesser Kestrel, Lesser Spotted Eagle. Packed lunch for the day.

Day 10

We leave the Eastern Rodopi Mountains and we travel west to reach Trigrad Gorge. During the transfer we’ll stop a few times and we expect to see Rock Bunting, Woodpecker species, Little Owl, and Black Stork. Late afternoon we arrive at the village of Trigrad, where accommodation in a local hotel for one night follows. If we have time, we’ll visit Trigrad Gorge, looking for the extremely beautiful Wallcreeper.

Day 11

In the morning we’ll continue to look for Wallcreeper. Lunch in the local mountain inn. Late afternoon we leave the Rodoipi Mountains, driving north, We cross the Thracian Valley and Sredna Gora mountain range, and we arrive at historic museum town of Koprivshtitsa. We’ll spend our last night at a local hotel. During the transfer we have a good possibility to have last look at Lesser Spotted, Booted, Short-toed, and even Eastern Imperial eagles. Smaller birds that we expect to see are buntings, shrikes, pipits, Roller, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, etc. Final dinner.

Day 12

After breakfast we set off for Sofia where our tour will come to its end.

12 days
17 April 2025 - 28 April 2025

Bulgaria is the country of greatest biodiversity in Europe, especially when juxtaposed with its small surface area. Owing to the great diversity of habitats, many rare species of European flora and fauna as well as quite a number of Bulgarian and Balkan endemic species occur in its land. Hardly in another European country, can a birding tour be held, which will be comparable by the number and the value of the watched species with a tour held in Bulgaria and Greece. The number of species one will see during this tour reaches, and at times exceeds, 220. Among them we should mention such rarities as Dalmatian pelican, Pygmy cormorant, Little bittern, Penduline tit, Spur-winged plover, Greater flamingo, Eastern Imperial, Golden, Lesser spotted, Booted and Short-toed eagles, Levant sparrow hawk, Griffon, Black and Egyptian vultures.



Group size

5 - 15

Individual tour

2 - 4


During the indicated period for watching birds, the weather might be changing very much. The ambient temperature may vary around 15 degrees C while for Greece they can reach even above 20-25 degrees C.


Suitable for the prevailing weather conditions: pullovers and trousers, raincoats, gloves and caps; it might prove we will also need sunglasses. Good shoes, stable and convenient for walking are also very important.


Easy walks of 2 to 4 km per day.


The border between Bulgaria and Greece will be crossed several times. Since both countries are members of the European Union, such a border crossing does not require any formalities but an ID card for the citizens of the EU. For citizens of countries outside the EU, requirements to enter and sojourn within the borders of EU shall be observed.


17 April 2025 - 28 April 2025

Land only price


Single room supplement






Additional price info

Payment may be made in all convertible currencies at the Euro exchange rate for the day of payment. The prices include : All the ground transport, FB – full board with packed lunches, where is necessary, accommodation in hotels and guest houses. English speaking guide, All the taxes for reserves. The prices don’t include : Insurance, drinks, and all the items of personal nature

  • Blue Sky Wildlife
  • Bird Fair
